Friday, 7 August 2009

Its been a while...

Well... we've had a busy few months, to say the least. The Cabaret Electronica project has produced several demo tracks - after hooking up with singer (and new honorary lounger) Sarah Glayzer ( - we'll share them soon, for sure.
In the meantime, James has been composing in the Orkney islands and rebuilding his website at (final version coming soon) - Paul is working on an enormous project based around the history and culture of Salford, and Gina's been working on a radio play, not to mention having a piece staged at the Contact theatre ( a couple of months back.
So no news is good news, as they say... but the latest lounge offerings are progressing well, and we'll be sharing a few sneak previews with you all before too long.
Happy lounging.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Now it is winter, the quiet time...

Well, we seem to have rocketed through the month of January without so much as a solitary post. The Departure Lounge camp has been fraught with house-moving, web-designing, plotting, theorising and recording. Resident storyteller Gina Perry had saw great success with her play 'Polite Society', premiered at the Contact Theatre's 'Verbally Challenged' event last week, and the rest of us have been busy scribing notes and manipulating soundwaves in preparation for the creative riot that 2009 promises to bring.
So what will 2009 bring for the dedicated follower of all things Lounge? We have, without wanting to promise the earth; an online shop, a demo CD and live gigs from Cabaret Electronica, and the promise (or possibility at least) of a commercially available DL recording and a tour. But needless to say, if you keep an eye on our website, blog, youtube channel and podcast, you'll be the first to hear our news.

Happy Lounging...
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